Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Dapper Day Fall Soiree 2015

It's Tuesday now, and I am snuggled up in my fuzzy robe drinking a homemade latte made by the ever dapper Mr. Lavoie and slowly yet surely waking up to start the day. I still feel like I'm recovering from the weekend! Theme park goers will tell you, the "Disney Hangover" is real. But oh so worth it <3 This past Saturday on Oct 3rd was "Dapper Day's Fall Soiree" here in Orlando FL. Matt and I have only been to one Dapper Day in the past, and by golly was it fun! Needless to say we could not wait to gussy up and enjoy the day at Hollywood Studios. 

As soon as you walk into Hollywood Studios, you're really thrown into a retro wonderland, for that reason, I think it was a great choice for Dapper Day. Every corner you turn you just want to stop and take photos, or interact with the kooky street performers.

Going for the "femme fatale look" As instructed by the director. :p I'm wearing the Elizabeth dress by Tatyana which not only fit like a dream but also had pockets! Which meant I could easily carry around my camera and phone all day!
Everything Matt's wearing is honestly apart of his everyday wardrobe, The  Bow-Tie is from The Tie Bar. The hat we actually picked up on our Honeymoon is Eureka Springs from Hats, Hides & Heirlooms and his glasses are from eyebuydirect.com
"I'm going to make you a star kid!"
Ran into our good friends Courtney & Adrian! Was so excited to see these two <3 
One of my favorite pictures of Matt from the day!
Took a picture with the cutest duck around. (sorry Donald!)
Snapped this cute picture of Matt while we waited for our reservation at Prime Time Cafe.

Prime Time is famous for their sassy waitstaff there whole gimmick is that you're having dinner at your Aunts house. So, they treat you like family. No elbows on the table, No "walkie talkies" and NO SPITBALLS. The whole place is themed to look like a 1950s house, so I thought it would be the perfect place for us to fuel up before heading over to The Great Movie Ride to take the giant group photo, and it did not disappoint!

Example of sassiness, When I asked "Excuse me, where's the bathroom?" I was met with a response of "YOU CAN'T TAKE A BATH HERE!" followed by a reminder to "wash my hands, and don't play in the water." Yes Ma'm!
We chatted with a cute couple who were disney-bounding Ursula and Hades while we waited for our table to open up, and they awesomely snapped this cute picture of us playing house <3 This kitchen reminded me so much of my actual Grandma's kitchen back in Michigan! It was really nice to find a small slice of such a homey place during our disney day.
All smiles having dessert! How could we not be happy snuggled in a corner booth, with a pineapple upside down cake on the table below us. (it was delicious) We got through dinner without getting scolded, and our waiter complained that we were "The best children we'd seen all day" Which either meant we'd been misbehaving all day, or we had plans to go "parking" at Echo Lake that evening. I'll take the latter ;) 
Leading the fleet with the power of my parasol! 

After taking the big ol' group photo, riding on the great movie ride, and bopping around the park a bit more, the sun was setting and the lights on mainstreet we're glowing. We grabbed a fancy mocha at the coffee stand outside of tower of terror, and found the perfect little bench to people watch. 
We sat there for a little while until  a photographer came up and asked if she could take our photo, instructing us to just keep doing what we where doing before :) Sounds good to me! Her friend took a photo on my camera. (which is the one posted above) Can I just say, I LOVE how open, friendly and wonderful everyone was during the happenings of the day! A lot of times when you're at a theme park you're surrounded by a mix of overjoyed and totally stressed our tourists...

I think us dapper folks added in a lot of smiles to the mix! Even people who had NO IDEA what was happening seemed to be amused, or even expressed interest in joining in next year. The more the merrier!
We ended the night at The Boathouse at Disney Springs *cough cough* Downtown Disney *cough cough* When we walked up, and saw these amazing classic cars on display, we sat and gawked for a minute, but our collective jaws hit the floor when we found out these weren't normal cars! They're BOATS! "Anfibicars" to be exact. 

You can actually buy a tour on one of these babies and cruise along the water front. Our Anniversary is coming up so we decided to splurge a little and go for it! I caught some video of us cruising along in my Dapper Day video. But honestly, I can't explain how surreal it was to be in the backseat of what looked like a classic car, riding along the water. It felt like we had entered an alternate universe! 

Thanks to all the folks that made Dapper Day oh so special! My Mr. for all the adventures,The friends we ran into and new friends we made during the day. 

Can't wait to see you again in the spring! (and I may or may not be planning my outfit already) 

xoxo Paige

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