Thursday, October 1, 2015

Bouncing back from a hiatus? -Comic Chats

In last weeks webcomic-y video I talked about buffers. And why it's so important to keep drawing, and working towards creating new comic pages. 

This weeks topic? The dreaded hiatus. Going on hiatus is easy. Coming back is a whole other story. The longer you're away from your comic the harder it is to come back. In the video below, I share some of my experience and tips for bouncing back. 

The cliff notes
Read through your entire archive. What have your characters gone through to get to this point? Are they stuck in parallel? A crazy love triangle perhaps? Chances are you arn't going to want to leave them, and reading through your story again is going to energize you to keep writing, and maybe even go in a different direction.   

Draw your main characters! I did this recently, and had so much fun. Nothing gets me more than a good makeover montage, so I let myself play around with hair, clothes, and the way I draw my girls. I LOVED it. and it made me so excited to get back to work. 

Lastly, the scrapbook storyboard method has helped me oodles. Wither that's your jam, or you prefer thumb nailing. Something fast and easy to get your ideas from your head and onto paper is a great way to get started.

Thanks so much for reading (and watching) If you have any suggestions for webcomic topics for future videos, please let me know! I'll be back next thursday talking about vending at conventions!
Now lets go get to drawing!
xo Paige 

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