Thursday, October 8, 2015

Just one hour? Join me in making comics!

Hey Everyone, 

It's the second week in October, Or the 8th of Halloween if you will!  And while I cannot wait to dress up and run a muck with friends on the 31st. NaNoWriMo is just around the corner! Did saying that make you panic a little? Yeah, me too.

 Right now I might be basking in all this halloweenie glory, but come Nov 1st, I know for a fact that writing a novel in a month is (probably) eat my life. When I start a new story it kind of consumes me. I want to spend every minute working on it, until that first burst of writers block happens. Before any of that wonderful craziness happens, one thing is for sure, I need to find a way to balance all the writing I'll be doing, with drawing and creating new pages of  my webcomic Pumpkin Spiced.

Last time I did NaNoWriMo I remember falling behind on my series, and missing one or two update days, it wasn't a huge deal at the time, but after just having come back from Hiatus  I really don't want that to happen again.

I've caught myself thinking lately, "I'll just be sure to set aside an hour" But, then I started wondering... How much can I do in an hour?

I remember last year, I made the fatal mistake of trying to build my buffer during 24 hour comic day. and spent eight hours on a single page... O.o Which,1. is sooooo not the point of that day. And 2. I learned that it normally takes me wayyyy longer than I anticipate to finish a comic.
If I work on my comic for 60 minutes every day for a week. Will I even have a complected comic page by Friday? To be honest, I don't know. But I'd like to, and there's only one way to find out find out for sure.

 Next Monday I'll be setting aside an hour every single day. Just one distraction free hour. No T.V, No Internet. Maybe an audiobook or music that I know I won't have to fiddle with. (So that I'm not sitting in complicate and utter silence) I really want to push myself and see how much a can do. And I want you guys to join me!

The idea reminds me a of the art class I took in middle school and high school. Our teacher did this thing called "Two Hour Challenges" If during your free time you spent two distraction free hours just drawing, you could come up to the front of the class, and claim a prize of a new pencil or eraser. 
   I remember thinking two hours seemed so long. But, to my surprise, one of the first times I tried it the time flew by so quickly!  And while, I don't have a fancy table of artsy prizes to offer you. I know finding the time to work towards finishing our comics can be really difficult. I struggle with it all the time. This to me, is all about getting into good habits, and a routine. And hopefully, I'll even start waking up earlier. 

...Though, I could ever magically transform into a morning person... Hey! It's not my fault that the bed is magically the coziest when you're supposed to be getting out of it. 

Anyways! Even if you can't spare a full hour. 60 minutes, 30 minutes, whatever you can do. I hope you'll join in, unplug and draw with me. :D

I'll be documenting my process and giving a full report on my youtube channel on the 16th! And in between that time, I hope to share pictures and whatnot on twitter and instagram! If this all sounds like something right up your alley, let me know if you decide to join in! and feel free to tag me in your progress photos, I'd be so happy to see what you're working on. :D 

TLDR? Here's a video where I'm explaining everything! 
Good Luck & Happy Comic-ing! 

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