Last week was bananas. In both good and bad ways. To be honest. I spent most of it glued to my computer getting ready for my "Free Book Days" on kindle. Which happened on the 2nd and 3rd of July. I followed a lot of the methods that are listed in "How to Prepare, Launch, and Run a Successful KDPSelect Free-Day Campaign" by Staci Stallings. Overall I it think went pretty well. :) We ended up #1 in our category of Free "Teen & Young Adult Humorous eBooks" Which was pretty amazing! Thanks to everyone who shared, retweeted, and snagged up a free ebook that happen!
It's a really hard thing to try not to compare yourself to others and I struggled with that emotionally bit during the promotional process. One thing I kept trying to remind myself was that every number on the screen, is a real person! Obvious or not, when getting into the world of analytics and strategy, It's easy to just keep thinking about how to get more views, higher numbers ect.
I was lucky to have my husband Matt around to cheer me on, help me manage my social media, and remind me, Those numbers are all people. People who I am so glad I get to share my story with! I think my favorite part was when I got to hear about your reading plans! Everything from downloading the book to read on long flights, or train rides. Even some people reading it on their way to Comin Con. Which I think is just so perfect. <3
Posing Matt's kindle. It was the first time actually seeing the book on an actual Kindle device. Normally I just use the app on my phone. :p As you can see, I was pretty happy!

He can haz cheeseburger. And snuggle it all night <3
KEY LIME PIE! Oh my goodness. This was amazing. The rest of my week is literally just pictures of my food. You have been warned!
The fanciest of lemonades. Got this at "Fresh Market" which btw. Is wayyyyy fancier than I expected it to be! "Elderflower Rose Lemonade" in a bottle that made me feel like I was drinking a tiny champagne.
Forth of July. <3 We took it pretty easy, and hung around the house, and watched some fireworks in the neighborhood. It was honestly so nice and refreshing! For dinner I made veggie burgers, maple pinto beans & broccoli bites! So good.
Other things of note this week!
Confidence was reviewed on...
Whimsy & Noir I also answered a few interview questions. Including who I would cast in a live action movie! (the answer might surprise you)
The Power of Reading. I was so glad that this Mother/Daughter review team enjoyed the book!
Dutch Geek Girl Annabel is super awesome book blogger who lives out on the Netherlands. I was so happy to see her tweets & read her review of the book :D
Thanks to all of you for making this week extra special. I'm sitting in a coffee shop right now. Finishing up this post, and trying not to be nervous about my livestream later! I'll be reading the first chapter of "Confidence", answering questions! Come hangout and say hello!
Livestream starts at 2pm at this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQyc-UJNhTc
Now, If I could only get my stomach to stop doing backflips...
See you later!
xo Paige
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