Friday, July 10, 2015

Five Spinoffs I'd Like To See Get Made

                                                      Graphic by Darling Stewie

Happy Friday!
Welcome to #5FandomFriday. A Wonderfully geeky top five list that TheNerdieGirlie & Darling Stewie's drempt up, and us Female Geek Bloggers have been taking over the internet with. This weeks theme is five spinoffs I'd like to see get made.

 ♥Stormer & Kimber 
I remember watching Jem as a kid and wanting this to be a thing. CAN WE PLEASE JUST MAKE THIS A THING. Stomer and Kimber going on tour together, debating on weither or not to stop at Waffle House or IHOP. But they'll always be in agreement that anywhere is better than Denny's 
Denny's is the worst.

♥Sabrina & Ghastly
Forget about Ash and his never ending whining/quest to become a Pokemon master. I think a show focusing on Sabrina the creepy gym trainer could have the potential to be the best like no show ever was. Didn't anyone else ever wonder what happened to her after that episode? I know I did! 

Marciline & The Scream Queens
It stole my heart as a comic, now I want to see it as a T.V show. <3 If you haven't read Marciline & The Scream Queens yet. WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE?! The art is great. And PB and Marcie are just too gosh darn cute.

♥Celestial Spirits
Lucy from Fairy Tail has a ton of Celestial Spirits with unique and kooky personalities. We could learn more about Aquariuses love life, and maybe even dive more into her friendship with Juvia and spend far too much time shipping Aries and Leo. 

It's time for Kuromi to bask in the spotlight and reign as the true queen of cute. I have no further argument. I just think it would be crazy super adorable.

   So who do you think deserves a spin-off of their own? Leave your thoughts in the comments below, or send me a tweet @MrsPaigeLavoie Looking forward to hearing from you!

Till next time, 
xo Paige