Friday, July 3, 2015

Five Favorite Aliens

                                                      Graphic by Darling Stewie

Happy Friday!
It's summer and high time we jump back into TheNerdieGirlie & Darling Stewie's weekly #5FandomFriday's a nerdy top five list exploring fandoms, feels and this friday ALIENS! Here are my top five favorite darlings from outer space.

 The Crystal Gems 
Including both Rose and Steven, the five members of The Crystal Gems could have easily made up my entire list. for this weeks #5fandomfriday. They each have a unique quality that makes them relate-able. And I for one would feel much safer living in beach city with this gang of interstellar refugees hanging around. 

Plus, who DOESN'T want to win the fight and then go out for pizzas? #noone 

Ariel Cola from Step Sister from Planet Weird

Does anyone else remember this movie?! It was a Disney Channel Original and my sister Lilykins and I still say "I FEAR THE WIND!" because of it once in a while because of this movie. 

Star Butterfly
Does being from a different dimention count as being an alien? I feel like it works. And It gives me an excuse to include one of my favorite new characters on this list. I'm talking rainbows, I'm talking puppies. 

I'm talking Star Butterfly

Oh watch it Spaceman! I had to include my favorite Doctor, and the coolest Timelord around on this list! ...Now excuse me while I go cry, thinking about Rose.... and Donna...oh goshhh

Vampira in Plan 9 from Outer Space
...Because VAMPIRA nuff said. 

So, Who is your favorite alien? I feel like everyone is going to say Stitch... Am I right? Leave your thoughts in the comments below, or send me a tweet @MrsPaigeLavoie

Till next time, 
xo Paige

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