Tuesday, July 21, 2015

My week in pictures 13-19

It's crazy to think all of these pictures are only from one week! So much has happened. Lets recap together :D 
On Monday, I did my first "wet-set" with my hair, and it got SO POOFY! Right before I started to take the curlers out my best friend Meaghan stopped over. She literally had to wait 30 minutes for me to brush it all out. :p Friendshipppppp
Super awesome shopping adventures!! 
Just in time for GeekyCon at the end of this month, my new fancy buisness cards came in the mail. My husband Matt designed them, they have quotes from both Confidence and Pumpkin Spiced on one side, and all my social media goodness on the back! So awesome <3  
Obviously we have to have at least one sleepy Oliver picture in the mix. 
Spent most of the week sewing these cute little bat plushies to sell at GeekyCon, only 60 (ish) more to go! 
Saturday morning was ultra special, and a day that so many of us have been waiting for! Geek Girl Brunch launched in Orlando! As one of the GGB officers, I am so pleased to say that we had such a spectacular turn out! If you want to learn more about the event, check out geekgirlbrunch.com and keep your eyes peeled for a recap post by yours truly!
Brunch was Marvel themed, so I channeled my inner Peggy Carter, and my lovely friend Roo (Noctum Cosplay) busted out a Casual Cap cosplay and looked amazing! I wish we had gotten a better photo together, but I love this one!
There's been a little baby lizard scurrying all over the house over the past week, last time I saw her she was in the bathroom. But she always runs away way too fast to pick her up and take her back outside. Finally on Saturday she was hanging out on the wall by the desk, and Matt and I were able to get her back to her home. <3 Bye Henrietta! Hope I see you around the yard again. xo  
Sunday was NATIONAL ICE CREAM DAY! And we happily went over to Kelly's Homemade Ice Creams new storefront and enjoyed <3
My ice cream. Mexican Chocolate in a waffle cone! So much delicious!!! 

So, those were some of my adventures last week, an I would love to hear about yours. What was your favorite part? Let me know in the comments below, or send me as tweet at @MrsPaigeLavoie
xo Paige

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