Friday, July 24, 2015

Five Fictional Vehicles I'd Love To Travel In

                                                      Graphic by Darling Stewie

Happy Friday!
Welcome to #5FandomFriday. A Wonderfully geeky top five list that TheNerdieGirlie Darling Stewie's drempt up, and us Female Geek Bloggers have been taking over the internet with. This weeks theme is fictional vehicles. and boy, do they all put my car to shame... *sigh*

 ♥Kiki's Broomstick 
Although the whole "lack of magic powers" thing would probably make me fall on my face. It would definitely we worth a shot.

♥The Magic School Bus
Assuming deal includes Miss Frizzles out of this word wardrobe. I do love a good themed outfit.

The Jolly Rodger
Preferably AFTER the whole codfish/battle scene takes place.  I am not about that life....

...Although it would probably never actually take me to the desired place OR time. Stepping out of the door of a Big Blue Box would always be an adventure. 

Howl's Moving Castle
Honestly, I would probably choose this one above all the others. Forget planes, trains, cars, and bikes, I'm taking my castle to work. *mic drop*

So, what sweet sweet fictional ride would you choose? Leave your thoughts in the comments below, or send me a tweet @MrsPaigeLavoie Looking forward to it! 

Till next time, 
xo Paige

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