Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Sleepy Pups, Coffee & Writing New Stories

       Today I'm writing from the couch, sitting snuggled in my kigurumi, big puffy sailor moon buns on my head, trying to talk myself out of another cup of coffee. Instead of just one sleepy puppy in my view, there are two <3 Yawning and sleeping, urging me to close my eyes and snuggle up with them. We're pup-sitting Oliver's BFF Kaylee and the two have been so relaxed and lazy the past two days, surrounding me with so many cuddles, it's been a struggle to resist. But I must!
I'm past the 25k point in the new novel I'm working on. That point where I always overthink and half the time scrap all my process and start over. But I haven't yet, and I'm trying so hard not to get burnt out and to write every day. Not only that, but to enjoy it. Even if it feels like I'm typing through a puddle of molasses some days, and zooming through time the next.

I'll share more about this story soon and put out a call for beta-readers as soon as it's ready. It has a long way to go still! For now, I just wanted to say a quick "hello" on here. :)

Ah- well, seems the ever-sleepy pups have awoken from their slumber, and it's time for "mid-day walkies"

I'll talk to you again soon!

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