Monday, August 31, 2015

Recovered from Jet Lag post!

I feel like I've been away for a while. To be honest, everything has felt so busy. Besides, hosting our second Geek Girl Brunch in Orlando this past Saturday. I've been a little bit of a lazy-daisy. Catching up on sleep, binge watching all of "SCHOOL-LIVE!" on crunchyroll. (It's sooo good you guys!) and finally unpacking/shaking off jet lag.

What have I been up to lately? I flew back from a trip to visit my sister in California last week :D It was all and all a wonderful trip. We bopped around Melrose, Magnolia, & Burbank eating a lot of amazing food, snuggiling her baby kittens, and even taking photos with the hollywood sign.

It was my first time flying alone. And to be honest, I was so nervous. What if I couldn't find my gate?! What if I missed my flight?  I had trouble sleeping for days before my flight left. But I'm happy to report everything went smoothly, and I spent the flight snacking on Biscoff cookies, and playing "Long live the queen" ...and consequently loosing at Long Live The Queen, eight or ten times...

Lily and I talk on the phone all the time, but It was so good to actually get to hangout in the real world. :) When we posted this picture on facebook some of our friends and family got really confused. The hair is a pretty obvious giveaway, but a few folks thought we might be wearing wigs. :p

Anyways, I have so many pictures and things I want to share, but I've decided to break them up into separate posts to keep this short and sweet. <3 More super-awesome twin adventures soon!

xoxo Paige

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