Things are happening! Books Covers & Flashbacks

Well Howdy Everyone!
How are you? I feel like it's been forever since I posted on here, and I'd really like that to change. As you can see, I've spent a little bit of time cleaning and pretty-ing up the layout of the blog, and I'm really loving it! Hopefully it motivates me to write on here a little more. There's something nice about just sitting in front of the computer, and letting all my thoughts flow into a blog post, it's like having a diary again. AND speaking of diaries! I wrote a book!!  

Well, technically I wrote it in 2013 during NaNoWriMo 50,000 words in a month. After all this time, the kinks have been worked out, I hired an AMAZING editor Jen, to smooth over the grammar, formatting and do all those important professional things, that I'm admittedly awful at. Both her, and my husband Matt have had such enthusiasm and energy that's giving me so much life! Writing a book, and then being vulnerable, sharing it with trusted people at first, and then now, I'm getting ready to share it with the whole world. It's scary, exciting, and more than 50% of the time, when I think about it I feel like I might throw up. But despite the pancakes flipping in my stomach, I can't wait. And to be honest, I'm already starting to think about book two...

So, it's been written, edited and formatted, then after late nights of brainstorming we found the perfect title "Confidence -The Diary of an invisible girl" I love it. Here's the back cover blerb

" Comic-book-obsessed Barbara Jenkins' idea of an exciting night consists mostly of fan fiction and frozen pizza-that is, until one fated day during the start of the school year when she literally crashes into the queen of the AV Club. Barbara soon begins to explore life outside her comfort zone as she is thrust head first into a new world of costumes, conventions, and crushes, as well as a HUGE secret..." 

The last step we're on? Picking a cover! It has been a roller coaster, let me tell you! But we have it narrowed down to two concepts, that I think are really strong. (keep in mind, these are not final art, just mockups)

Right?! What to choose? I feel like no matter which way we go, I'm already such a fan of these, it's going to be perfect. But I would LOVE to hear your thoughts. Which one of these covers catches your eye? Which one makes you want to flip to the back cover, and read more? Leave your thoughts down below, or send me an e-mail.  (I'm also looking for early-birdie readers to give access to the book)

You know, It's crazy to think back to NaNoWriMo 2013, It's hard to believe that crazy writing marathon of a month, lead me to this story that I really believe in, and am so proud of. I can't wait to share it with you! soooooooo excited! rsakignskgnrkj;nralmg! 

I think I'm going to end this post with a flashback, the cool thing about vlogging is I actually documented my first week of writing, watch me freak out, procrastinate, and drink a lot of coffee down below. 

One thing is for sure, I know what I'm going to be doing this coming November <3 And I'm going to peer-pressure you all to join me! WRITE ALL THE THINGS 

xoxo Paige

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